Social anxiety, again!πŸ˜–

You're probably here cause you read my first post on social anxiety and wanted to see the rest, thank you for being here! 
  Like I said in my last post,I wasn't diagnosed by a medical professional and everything that I talk about here is based on my experience. Some of the things that triggered my fear of being around a lot of people are ; my bad eyesight ,not being comfortable with my body, wearing uncomfortable clothes,over protective upbringing, being around people that made me feel some type of way and made subtly insulting jokes(sometimes,these people are even friends or family members) . 
   It's okay to feel totally lost and wonder what's going on ,but you're not alone,at all.
     Here are some things I started to do that have helped me immensely; 
(1) Talk therapy: talking good to myself , complimenting myself . It sounds awkward. It sounded really awkward to me when I read about it but it has actually helped me. 
(2) Making sure I'm very comfortable with how I'm dressed before I step out. You don't have to dress to please anybody as long you look decent and you're dressed for the occasion. Looking at myself in the mirror and feeling comfortable with how I'm dressed has reduced the constant feeling that I don't look good enough. 
(3) Listening to music . Is there anything to explain hereπŸ˜‚? 
(4) Being around people that I'm genuinely comfortable with ,my friends. If people make you feel really anxious, why hang out with them so much?
(5) Forcing myself to go places alone, sometimes. Sometimes I just go out , alone . It really helps . 
(6) It's okay to ask for help. If I'm really anxious about being somewhere,I just ask my friends to go with me. 
(7) Chewing gum:last minute decision to add this point but , yeah,gum helps me when I'm around lots of people and I start to feel overwhelmed,(not in a nasty way though). 
(8) Sleep/rest: sometimes, I just lie down and sleep,rest and allow my whole body take a much needed break.
   I'm not an expert or anything but at least I can help in a way. Know what triggers you and try to stay away from them ,read more on it and if you're financially capable to afford proper medical diagnosis and treatment,go ahead. 

    Thank you so much for reading up to this point. Please leave a comment if you can relate to anything here . You can also drop your email if you'd like to be the first to know when next I post❤️. (Added another cute picture of me cause you guys should be familiar with the face πŸ˜‚)


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